
hvac Services frequently asked questions

How often should I have my HVAC equipment serviced?

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Heating and air conditioning equipment should be serviced at least once a year. The best scenario is to have the heating system checked in the fall and the air conditioning checked in the spring.

Why should I have my HVAC equipment serviced?

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Annual servicing includes cleaning the system, checking for any problems or potential problems, and adjusting for peak efficiency. Benefits of servicing your HVAC include increased dependability, maximum efficiency, lower energy costs, prolonged life-span of the equipment, safe and healthy operation, and lesser environmental impact. It also drastically reduces the chance of a break-down, which usually happens at night or on weekends when repair rates are higher.

When is the best time to replace a furnace?

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Many factors go into determining the best time to replace a furnace, such as its current operating efficiency, condition, make, model and the age of the furnace. A very basic rule-of-thumb is that every 10 years or so, efficiencies in furnace equipment advance enough to warrant the utility savings a new furnace can bring. However, many well-maintained furnaces may last longer and less quality models may only last a few years. The only way to really know the best time to replace your furnace is to have an inspection and energy analysis performed by one of our specialists.

What size furnace do I need?

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Unless you are very familiar with HVAC industry energy standards and government energy standards, it’s almost impossible to determine the size of a replacement furnace. Our trained heating specialists know all the standards and can evaluate your home for not only the heating appliance, but also the quality of the heated air and how well the air is distributed in the home. This evaluation also takes into consideration changes made to the home since the last furnace was installed. New windows, doors, insulation, exterior changes and other appliances that may have a huge effect on the size of the furnace needed today.

What should my thermostat be set to at night during the air conditioning season?

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Normal temperatures in the summer can fluctuate depending on the region. If the thermostat is set at the desired temperature during the day, consider a 10 degree lower temperature at night. Most automatic thermostats have intelligent recovery, which enables the thermostat to lower the temperature gradually, so the night time savings are not lost by manually bringing down the temperature all at once. These programmable thermostats also help to optimize energy savings, without sacrificing comfort.

Why does my air conditioner keep running?

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More than likely, the air conditioner is undersized and/or working harder to keep to the desired indoor design temperature. An air conditioner works properly and efficiently at the temperature it was designed to achieve during installation. If there are hotter than normal days, the AC will try to maintain the indoor design temperature. This does not necessarily mean there is an undersized unit. It means that the particular hot day is outside the normal range of the calculated design for the AC unit. A proper load calculation from our specialists can determine if the air conditioner is properly sized for the geographic location.

What size air conditioner do I need?

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There is not a set size that can be recommended. Every home is different, and there are many environmental variables that must be taken into account. New higher efficiency AC systems need proper airflow to meet their designed efficiency levels. A load calculation must be performed on the home to determine the proper system size that meets all the physical requirements.

How does an air conditioner work?

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An air conditioner seems as if it cools your home’s air, but in reality, an air conditioner makes your home less warm by removing heat from the indoor air and transferring that heat to the outdoor air. Heat is extracted from the home by passing indoor air across a refrigerant coil in the indoor unit. Refrigerant lines then carry the heat to the outdoor unit, where it is released into the outside air. The cooling cycle continues until the indoor temperature reaches the thermostat setting.

What are the health benefits of clean air?

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Allergies and asthma are two health problems that can be helped with clean indoor air. When airborne irritants are removed, allergy and asthma sufferers often find relief from their symptoms. Even healthy people who have never suffered from allergies can benefit from clean air. Dust, smoke and other particles float around in the air, causing your drapes and furniture to gather dust. By removing airborne dust particles, you reduce the amount of exposure your respiratory system has to them.

What causes indoor air pollution?

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Many everyday, unsuspected household items contribute to poor indoor air quality. Compounds found in carpeting, furniture, upholstery, and drapery fabric constantly emit gas or fumes. Other sources of pollutants can include, but are not limited to, cleaning agents, paints, and personal care products. Newer, more energy-efficient homes do not breathe like older homes. Things like weather stripping and storm doors keep indoor air in and outdoor air out. This provides energy savings, but the limited exchange of outdoor and indoor air can mean a buildup of contaminants inside your home.

How can I reduce my air conditioning needs?

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Here are a few tips on reducing your air conditioning needs: 

  • Try closing all windows and doors during daytime hours on hot days. Many homes will be cooler at the end of the day if kept closed up, and the air conditioning system will do less work when it is turned on. 
  • Keep the blinds and curtains closed, especially on the west and east windows. 
  • Don’t set your thermostat too low, usually 78° F is found to be comfortable. You can save even more on your summer air conditioning bills by using your air conditioning only when you are in the house. If you want the house to be cool when you come home after a hot day, use a setback thermostat to turn on the system half an hour before you expect to arrive. 
  • To save energy and money, consider adjusting your thermostat a few degrees before leaving your house. 
  • Air conditioners also reduce the humidity by removing water vapor from the air as it is cooled. Some high-efficiency units may be necessary in special cases. This potential problem can be avoided by identifying sources of moisture—e.g., clothes dryers, washing machines, showers—and venting them directly outside.

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